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Sunday, 3 April 2022

Joan Regan

Here we have nostalgia by the bucketfull !!...a singer from the 50's and if my memory is working on full power her voice was likened to "Gracie Fields " so that gives you an idea of the quality of her voice.

1. It Could Happen To You
2. When I Grow To Old To Dream
3. I Know Why And So Do You
4. Iv'e Got A Feeling Your Fooling
5. Deep In A Dream
6. Home

1. Sinner or Saint
2. That Old Feeling 
3. All The Things You Are
4. Someone To Watch OverMe
5. Never In a Million Years
6. For All We Know

3. I Know Why And So Do You


  1. Thanks. I love it. Same range as Edna Savage and Lita Roza. Marvellous English singers.

  2. Thank you for all the efforts that you have taken to share your love music with us during 2017 - it is particulary appreciated.

    It takes a lot of effort to organise a blog and I am very much aware that for all your energies very few people express their thanks for what you do. Most unrewarding.

    Do hope that you are enjoying the end of 2017 festivities and that we can look forward to more correspondence from you in 2018.

    All the very best and good health in 2018.

    Thank you and cheers,

    Douglas (UK)
