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Wednesday, 20 January 2021

Rita Reys

Still on the "Jazz" theme a good set of standard's from the voice of the moment "Rita Rey's !!...a great live performance !!.... with a great trio accompaniment plus !!..Thanks John !!
A1++++++....if you like "Live" performances this one is great !!

1. I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Write Myself A Letter 
2. Autumn Leaves
3. Cherokee
4. Poor Butterfly
5. Can't We Be Friends

1. I Get A Kick Out Of You
2. I Remember Clifford
3. Tangerine
4. Speak Low
5. Whats New

      2. Autumn Leaves


  1. Wrong Album or wrong cover. Link is 'Marriage in Modern Jazz'

  2. Hi Ron...Thanks for pointing that out...wrong Album...its ok now...Cheers
    👍 !
