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Sunday, 25 September 2022

Randy Edelman.

There is a bit of a story that goes with this L/P....I was listening to the radio in the early 70's and heard a song called "The Woman On Your Arm"...I didn't catch the name of the singer so I had to resort to song title catalogue's in record shops to try and find it....these days you would google it and there it would be !!...but in the distant 70's you had to rely on record shops....but I drew a blank every shop I went too couldn't find it...I was disappointed because I thought it was a great song...I did try for a while but still had no luck so I more or less forgot about it.....THEN I was looking in a junk shop that sold second hand records and found this one....didnt take much notice of it it was in a box of about 100 not much was there but I did pick it up and look at the track was just a fluke and lo and behold "The Woman On You Arm" was looking up at me !! I asked if the track could be played in the shop they did have a record player just to make sure it was the right song and "Bingo" it was..and it only cost 50p !!
The L/P is a great one all the songs are written by "Randy" and like "Don McLean" each song tells a story which is great not like some of the random lyrics of todays songs !!....another great track is "I Am A Dancer" after all my hype I hope everybody who downloads it enjoys it !!
1. Bluebird
2. Pistol Packin' Melody
3. I Am A Dancer
4. Where Did We Go Wrong
5. Stan The Pantsman

1. You Are The Sunlight I Am The Moon
2. The Woman On Your Arm
3. Isn't It A Shame
4. Everbody Wants To Call You Sweetheart
5. June Lullaby
         2. The Woman On Your Arm


  1. I love it when you finally find something years later.

  2. Randy Edelman! After his Singing Career (There are some more Great Albums) he developed hismself to a high respected Soundtrack Composer. And...married with Jackie DeShannon.
