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Sunday, 12 December 2021

David McCullum

The record company's are at it again !!!..Woha I stand corrected !!...I've just read the back cover and David McCallum's comments !!...Good luck to him if it's all true...Its a pity that he did not have a go at the "Oboe" or the "English Horn" and was a part of the orchestra...instead of being the conductor..But I wonder which of the four tunes was his....Or maybe it was the Record company's idea....But I guess all that is now water under the bridge as the year was 1966....Anyway back to the music...a pleasant set of tracks with nothing really outstanding !!.It could be any orchestra.....Sooooo"Take it Away" Illya Kuryaki !!

And it is True !!!!

In the 1960s, McCallum recorded four albums for Capitol Records with music producer David Axelrod: Music...A Part of Me (Capitol ST 2432, 1966), Music...A Bit More of Me (Capitol ST 2498, 1966), Music...It's Happening Now! (Capitol ST 2651, 1967), and McCallum (Capitol ST 2748, 1968).

McCallum did not sing on these records, as many television stars of the 1960s did when offered recording contracts. As a classically trained musician, he conceived a blend of oboe, English horn and strings with guitar and drums, and presented instrumental interpretations of hits of the day. The official arranger on the albums was H. B. Barnum. However, McCallum conducted, and contributed several original compositions of his own, over the course of four LPs. 

1. 1.2.3.
2. Turn Turn Turn
3. The In Crowd
4. A Taste Of Honey
5. Yesterday

1. I Can't Get No Satisfaction
2. We Gotta Get Out Of This Place
3. Downtown
4. The Far Side oF the Moon
5. Louise
6. Insomnia
7. The Sugar Cane

8. Downtown


  1. Thanks for an old favorite of which I have misplaced my copy, Luigi. The sixties were a busy time for TV starts to record LPs, this is one of the much better ones.
